Tag Archive | "autognome"

MIDWIFING "THE AGE OF RELATION" (Expected Delivery in 2012-2013){Re:SYN7-(R)Ev}

Friday, December 7, 2007


STRATEGIC ENVISIONING/ENACTMENTofRELATIONAL FUTURES50 Years: 1963-2013This post is simply a “Note” recalling an accounting of the foregoing 45 years andalerting the reader to the coming sequence of posts regarding the next 5 years of aRELATIONAL METAMORPHOGENESIS of Humanity:(The problems, dilemmas, paradoxes facing Humanity are best addressed,not with changes of or within a dysfunctional Systemic Form,but like […]

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AUDITION for the Ultimate VIRTUAL REALITY PLAY (See the following post, Adopt-a-Gnome, to sign up for an audition)

Monday, March 12, 2007


IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD, AND— (thinking and language are co-determinate) “No one of us can know the special languages of all others, but, by chance these languages may, in part, overlap. We contend, however, that Words and phrases must be stretched towards agenerality foreign to their ordinary usage; and howeversuch elements of language […]

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