RURAL TRANSFORMATIONS, INC. Rural Transformation, Inc. (RTI) was created as a joint enterprise between the Rural Learning Center (RLC) ( located in Howard, SD and TrueFarmer, Inc. (TFI), a South Dakota subsidiary of As It Is, Inc (Ai3) ( located in Buffalo, NY. RTI development is an outgrowth of the RLC’s desire to develop and […]
Continue reading...Thursday, March 8, 2007
AUTOGNOMIC (VIRTUAL) EDUCATION (re-building education today from the perspective of a transhumanist society of post-2063 which subsumes a Virtual Autonomous CyberSociety of WebGnomes) This following presentation introduces the AutoGnome ™ (Synthetic Mind) as a technological solution to a World-wide educational crisis exacerbated by the scarcity in human resources for teaching. The immediate technology is the […]
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Thursday, October 2, 2008