Have you ever asked yourself “what is wrong with the world?” Sitting in front of the evening news… sitting in front of the unimaginable atrocities human beings commit each day to each other and their environment are you ever left shaking your head in disbelief? Are you ever left with the feeling that there is something innately flawed in the makeup of man-kind? Is it really all just human nature? Are we driven to greatness and destruction by the natural particles of our being? Maybe not. Imagine, if just for a moment, that all of human kind could exist in a more fluid, peaceful, and symbiotic fashion with their fellow human beings and the world at large if we were to tweak one tiny simple switch in the collective thinking of our global culture.
Long ago, within the timeline of men and women in this universe, men and women were constructing the languages we still use today. From thin air free thinkers devised the words and the rules we would use to relate to this world. Complex systems of mathematics, exploration of space, and the great cultures of the world flourished and warred from these simple distinctions. Near the beginning of this great fiction one of the most important distinctions (the separation relation between sides of a boundary) was written. A distinction upon which 99% of the academic, social, and applied disciplines of the world are built. What if our great foreparents missed just 2 simple distinctions in the form of relation itself? Two simple support beams missing at the foundation of humanity?
People of the world are searching for a better way to relate. A better way to relate to misunderstood cultures. A better way to relate to mothers, and fathers, and children, and spouses. Our media. Violence. Love. Birth. Death. The food we eat. A better way to relate. For without a better understanding of relation, each human-being drives their own little bumper car in the carnival of life merely waiting for the next collision and reaction. Never seeing the collective movement. Never seeing nor understanding the great dance we are living. Grab a partner and join us as we learn to relate!
Thu, Nov 6, 2008