This continuing post, which will also always begin with the identifier {Re:SYNx-Maps, where x=1to7}, will concentrate only on annotated text outlines and/or charts or tables or other graphic formats, i.e. “Maps”.
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Simplistic Formal Model (Hamann, 1978)
The following formal signification system (Relationalgraphs), because of its graphic nature and relatively common and widespread use in the limited form of the classical Systemic “graphs”, has greatly aided in explaining the multiple Relational forms of Relational Systems. By way of introduction, it need only be known that a “graph” is by definition a “set of points connected by a set of lines”. For the purpose of illustrating these concepts, let a “system” be represented by a dot “O” and a “relation” by a line “—”. The four Relational Forms are:
The RO1 form is the historically pervasive Systemic form. In contrast, RO3 is one of the hypothesized Relational forms which has no existence in classical graphs since lines by definition can only join at points. Hence the creation of Relationalgraphs allows for the inclusion of other sign forms such as RO3 which permits signification of experience of Interrelated Relation, here signified by a formal sign system in which a line is hypothesized to connect (Interrelate) two other lines without points. If the weight of evidence in personal experience accumulatively supports the hypothesis, we will have successfully advanced the potential for communicative growth of humanity. Remember, though, that content in signs obviously changes slowly. Change in the form of signs will be painfully imperceptible.

Fri, May 23, 2008